Harry was referred to Moving On through their local authority after a brief stay in 24-hour supported accommodation which wasn’t suitable. He was referred into Moving On in 2020.
The first time Harry was housed with Moving On, he led a chaotic lifestyle. A support plan was agreed between Harry and his support worker to identify things like budgeting, basic living skills and meaningful use of time.
His support worker spoke to Harry about his substance misuse and mental health and the option of referrals in for more specialist help. Harry declined help from external agencies.
Harry was involved in multiple relationships with older women and in some instances, he was a victim of domestic abuse but refused support from Harbour. Harry also had a history of self-harm and attempted suicide.
His support worker wanted to ensure Harry received the support he needed but similarly refused external support. Harry’s support worker tried really hard to engage with Harry and to link him into external services but unfortunately, Harry would not engage. He was never at the property for visits and began to turn his mobile phone off so we were unable to reach him.
He shortly abandoned his property and moved out without notifying us. We tried to contact Harry on numerous occasions but unfortunately had no luck.
Two years later, Harry was re-referred back into Moving On late 2022. Harry assured his support worker that things had changed. He advised he was no longer using drugs and was seeking support for his mental health.
His support worker soon noticed that things didn’t seem quite right. Harry then opened up about his drug use and advised he was using crack cocaine daily. We agreed to make a referral into a local drug support service.
Harry began engaging and we supported him to his appointments. But after two appointments, Harry refused to attend anymore sessions as he said the support wasn’t working for him. We similarly made a referral into mental health services but Harry would then not engage.
Harry soon fell into old habits and then started to disengage with Moving On.
In early 2023, Harry abandoned his second tenancy with Moving On providing no forwarding address. We again tried to contact Harry however have been unable to reach him.
We hope that in the foreseeable future, once Harry is ready, he will receive the support he needs around housing, mental health and substance misuse.