Sophie has been struggling with depression and anxiety since she was a teenager. Despite trying various coping mechanisms, and seeking help intermittently, she experienced a significant decline in her mental health recently. This has led to severe episodes of anxiety and depressive symptoms. She found herself increasingly isolated as she was unable to go to work or see people outside the house.
Sophie was already working with a community mental health team, but through MDT working her support workers informed her mental health team of how Sophie was feeling. This led to an increase in appointments and a new medication regime, and Sophie was supported in attending these appointments.
Sophie was encouraged to incorporate regular physical activity, maintain a balanced diet, and establish a healthy sleep routine, all of which are known to support mental well-being.
Sophie’s appointments with her support workers were increased, and Sophie was also encouraged to reach out to the professionals in her care if she felt low. She was also given the number for crisis services in the area to ensure her safety.
Over time, Sophie showed significant improvement. The new medication and increased CMHT/Support Work appointments have helped to significantly reduce Sophie’s symptoms of depression and anxiety. Sophie developed better coping mechanisms and an understanding of her mental health, which empowered her to handle stressors more effectively. With her mental health improving, Sophie began working again part time and seeing friends.
Sophie engages well with her support workers. The focus remains on maintaining the progress she has made and preventing potential relapses by providing continuous support.