Helping Jamie embrace independence

Jamie has lived with mental health challenges for much of their life. Diagnosed with anxiety and depression, Jamie struggled with self-confidence and managing daily responsibilities. Following a period of instability and strained family relationships, Jamie moved into one of our supported accommodation properties here at Moving On.

Initially, Jamie found it difficult to adapt to having a tenancy of their own. They often felt overwhelmed by the expectations of budgeting, meal planning, and having the responsibility of running a home. Jamie’s anxiety made social interactions challenging, and they were hesitant to engage with peers or their support worker.

Jamie worked closely with their support worker to develop a person-centred support plan which focused on developing skills to live independently and mental health management. They worked with our Mental Health worker alongside their support worker to manage their anxiety and build resilience.

After 12 months of being with us here at Moving On, Jamie felt like they were ready to live independently. With the help of their support worker, Jamie completed their housing application and was supported to view a lovely one bedroom bungalow which Jamie accepted. While the transition was daunting, Jamie embraced their independence with determination and resilience.

Jamie’s journey illustrates the transformative impact of tailored support for young people with mental health challenges. By addressing practical and emotional needs, Moving On enabled Jamie to develop the skills and confidence to thrive independently.

Looking back, Jamie says, “I never thought I could live on my own. But with the right support I learned that I’m stronger than I believed. Moving into my own place isn’t just about independence, it’s about proving to myself that I can overcome challenges.”

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