Fundraise & donate to our charity
Looking for charities to donate to near you? Support Moving On Durham with fundraising events at your school, college or workplace and you will make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable young people in the County.
A charity supporting vulnerable young people near you
Moving On is a local charity, supporting young people across County Durham. Every penny raised through your fundraising activities will go directly to support people in need near you.
Whether you fundraise, pledge or donate – every penny raised supports our life-changing work for local young people in County Durham.
Read more about donating to our charity:
How can I fundraise for Moving On?
The beauty of fundraising is that the sky is the limit!
From sponsored runs to yummy bake sales, there are all sorts of ways you can raise money or get people to donate.
Our team at Moving On are full of ideas when it comes to fundraising events and activities and are here to help! If you are planning a fundraising activity on behalf of Moving On, get in touch.
If you are a business, there are lots of ways you can fundraise and support our important work – find out about becoming a corporate charity partner:
Moving On is a charity, number 1111589. All donations received by us are used to improve the lives of young people near you who have experienced homelessness.